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Stairs can be considered a separate element or continuation of the floor. For this reason we produce different types of stairs: self-supporting, covered with wood, parquet etc.
It is up to you to find the one that best suits your needs.
Scala rivestita in SPC. Staircase in SPC flooring
Scala rivestita con tavolato di NOCE AMERICANO, verniciato. Battiscopa bianco. Staircase made of AMERICAN WALNUT maxiplanks, varnished. White skirting board
Scala in parquet di CUMARU' oliato. Staircase made of oiled CUMARU' wooden flooring
Scala in parquet di ROVERE tinto, stuccato nero, oliato, cerato. Con battiscopa bianco. Staircase made of OAK parquet, painted, black plastered, oiled, waxed. With white skirting
Scala in parquet di ROVERE tinto, stuccato nero, oliato, cerato. Staircase made of OAK parquet, painted, black plastered, oiled, waxed
Scala rivestita in ROVERE tinto. Staircase in painted OAK
Scala rivestita in ROVERE tinto. Staircase in painted OAK
Scala autoportante in OLMO anticato. Self-supporting staircase in antiqued ELM
Scala rivestita in OLMO anticato. Staircase in antiqued ELM
Scala rivestita in ROVERE anticato. Staircase in antiqued OAK
Scala con alzata in ROVERE morciato. Staircase with risers in antiqued and painted OAK
Scala rivestita in ROVERE tinto noce. Staircase in OAK, walnut color painted
Scala autoportante in ROVERE. Self-supporting staircase in OAK
Scala rivestita in TEAK. Staircase in TEAK
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